Be Informed – What Princeton Leaves Out

The University’s Position:

Princeton Administration’s FAQ

What They Leave Out

In light of recent interest among some of our postdoctoral researchers and scholars in pursuing a union at Princeton, we have decided to provide information and resources so that individuals can make an informed decision whether or not to choose to be represented by a union.

A strong majority of postdocs signed authorization cards in support of forming our union on April 2nd, 2024. The Princeton administration has since updated this FAQ and continued to circulate points that seem increasingly intended to discourage postdocs from voting yes for our union on May 8th and 9th.

What is the University’s position regarding unionization of postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars?

By design, union representation would have a real effect on the nature of your relationship with the University. We believe it is essential for you to be fully informed before deciding whether or not unionization is right for you. In the sections below, we have provided background information about unions as well as some context regarding the potential impact of unionization.

We hope every postdoctoral and associate researcher colleague makes an informed decision regarding Princeton postdocs’ campaign to form a union. We agree with the Princeton administration on the spirit of transparency and the importance of facts, but it is disappointing to see them disseminate “Frequently Asked Questions” that seem aimed at convincing postdocs to vote against collective bargaining. The administration’s FAQ leaves out a basic factual description of our choices regarding unionization. We can choose to form a union, which would mean for the first time ever the administration would be legally obligated to bargain with elected postdoc representatives over pay, benefits and workplace rights, as 100,000 other UAW academic workers across the United States do with their institutions. Or we can retain the status quo where the administration decides by itself if, when, and how to consider input from postdocs and makes all final decisions on our workplace rights.

What is the University’s approach to labor relations?

We currently have six labor unions on campus, representing approximately 1,000 staff members who work in such areas as facilities, dining, public safety and security, and certain aspects of the library. Our labor relations approach at the University has been civil, resolution-oriented, communicative, and relationship-based, all hallmarks of a productive relationship regarding their working conditions. At Princeton, union staff members include, for instance, housing and dining personnel and members of the Department of Public Safety. These positions differ in numerous ways from those of postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars.

We applaud the standard set by unionized employees at Princeton and hope to join their ranks. Regardless of the various work we all do as diverse Princeton employees, all non-unionized workers face the same fundamental challenge: without collective bargaining rights, the Princeton administration unilaterally decides every aspect of our employment. Such is the case whether one works in teaching, research, dining, clerical, facilities, or any other aspect of the university. All workers stand to benefit from forming a union, regardless of what work we do.

Background Information about Unions, Unionization and Union Representation

Princeton Administration’s FAQ

What They Leave Out

What is a union?

A union is an organization that serves as an agent representing a group of employees for purposes of negotiating the terms and conditions of their employment, such as pay, benefits and working conditions. The negotiation process is known as “collective bargaining.” A “bargaining unit” is a specific group of employees with a community of interest (e.g., similar occupations, geographic location, duties, payment structure, review/rating system, etc.) represented by a union for purposes of collective bargaining. When a union exists, the bargaining must be between the employer and the union, not between the employer and individuals represented by the union.

As postdoctoral scholars at Princeton, we are the union. By working together and determining our priorities collectively, we can build more power to improve our working conditions. Currently, individual postdocs do not have the ability to bargain with our employer as equals over our rights and benefits. Once we have formed our union, Princeton will have a legal obligation to negotiate with postdoctoral researchers. Individuals will have many ways to participate in the process and make their voice heard, including shaping our goals through surveys, meetings and other forums, running for or electing representatives who will negotiate with the Princeton administration, and voting to ratify our first contract. None of this would necessarily prevent individual postdocs from discussing working conditions with our faculty supervisors. As an example, all UAW postdoc contracts preserve the right of individual PIs and postdocs to work out salary rates higher than the minimums negotiated in collective bargaining - see examples from Mount Sinai (Art 5.), Columbia University (Art. 2), University of Washington (Art. 32), and University of California (Art. 4).

What is a union contract/collective bargaining agreement?

A union contract or collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is a legally binding contract between the employees within the bargaining unit and the employer, arrived at through negotiations between the employer and the union, which sets forth the terms and conditions of employment (e.g., wages, working hours and conditions, holidays, vacations, certain benefits, etc.) and procedures for dispute resolution.

Collective bargaining is a democratic process in which we elect a committee of our peers, negotiate in good faith with the Princeton administration, and eventually vote on whether or not to ratify any agreement before it goes into effect.

How does a group of employees become unionized?

Typically, a group of employees who want to unionize will affiliate with an established labor union for purposes of organizing a new chapter. Once the group has affiliated with a labor union, organizers employed by the union will collect “authorization cards” to show that at least 30% of the employees the union seeks to represent are interested in union representation.

If a union collects enough cards to constitute a valid “showing of interest,” the union (or the employer) can file a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold a secret-ballot election. If the majority of eligible voters choosing to cast ballots vote to approve the union, the union becomes the exclusive representative of all the employees in the bargaining unit for the purposes of collective bargaining with respect to wages, hours, or other conditions of employment. Whether or not an employee in the bargaining unit voted to approve the union and whether or not an employee wants to join the union, all employees in the bargaining unit would then be represented by the union.

Princeton postdoctoral researchers began talking with colleagues about forming a union after we organized to win a roughly 20% pay increase last year. In the course of this campaign, a majority of postdocs signed an open letter calling on Princeton to provide a reasonable salary increase. Despite this improvement, the Princeton administration did not meet all of our demands. Without a union, Princeton retains the power to decide if, how, and when to increase pay and make any other changes. Since then, we’ve had hundreds, if not thousands, of conversations with other postdocs about collectively improving our working conditions. We are working to involve the largest possible number of postdocs in the unionization process in order to allow everyone to make their voice heard and so that collectively, we have greater power going into negotiations with the administration over a union contract.

What is an authorization card? How are authorization cards used in the unionization process?

An authorization card is a signed document giving permission for a union to be the signer's exclusive representative for the purposes of negotiating the terms and conditions of that signer's employment. Unions collect authorization cards in an attempt to show that there is a substantial interest in unionizing and a desire to have the union serve as the exclusive bargaining agent. Thirty percent of the potential members of a bargaining unit need to sign cards for an election to occur.

Authorization cards generally must have a stated purpose of designating the union as the employee’s exclusive bargaining representative. Authorization cards are legal documents. They are the equivalent of giving a union power of attorney over the terms and conditions of your employment. Before signing any union-related document, be sure the document expresses a clear purpose and you understand what you are signing and its implications.

Signing authorization cards was the first phase in our process of forming a union. Signing an authorization card means expressing your support for forming a union of postdocs at Princeton. Once a strong majority (more than two thirds) of other postdocs signed on to express their support as well, we asked Princeton to meet with us and agree on a fair and efficient process to verify majority support for our union. We were also able to file a petition with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to hold a union election where all postdocs will vote, on May 8th and 9th, on whether or not to form a union. No postdoc will pay dues until after Princeton postdocs have ratified our first contract.

Once an individual has signed a card, can that individual take it back?

Under federal law, a union has no legal obligation to return an authorization card once it has been signed and submitted. Unless and until an election is held, an individual should assume that a signed authorization card is binding.

However, you can always ask the union directly if you can have your card back. In the event of an election, whether or not you signed a card creates no obligation on how you vote.

If you have any questions or thoughts about having signed an authorization card, reach out to a colleague involved in the union in your department, or email Another postdoc involved in the effort will gladly meet with you to discuss any concerns you might have. The choice of whether or not to sign a union authorization card is up to each individual postdoc.

Am I required to provide my contact information to a union or sign any other document a union requests?

No. Although unions try to obtain information about potential voters during an organizing drive, you have no obligation to provide personal or any other information to them. Unions are not bound by privacy restrictions and can use your information for purposes of their choosing. However, since the Princeton University Postdocs & Scholars-International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (PUPS-UAW) has filed a representation petition at the NLRB, the University will have to provide eligible voters’ contact information to the NLRB and the union.

Postdoctoral researchers can choose what information to share with their colleagues. This information will be held confidential and only used for organizing purposes to make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate in the process of forming our union, and to represent ourselves effectively in collective bargaining once we reach that stage. Providing up to date contact information also helps ensure we are able to share important updates as we continue with our campaign.

How do unions obtain the right to represent employees?

Union representation can occur through either voluntary employer recognition or a secret-ballot election in which those eligible to be in the bargaining unit are invited to vote “yes” or “no” on the question of union representation. If a majority of those who vote choose union representation, all eligible voters (and those who occupy union-represented positions in the future) would be exclusively represented by the union in their dealings with the University concerning the terms and conditions of employment. This is true whether or not a particular member of the bargaining unit participated in the election.

This is largely correct. Princeton could have chosen to voluntarily recognize our union after a majority of postdoctoral researchers had signed authorization cards. We decided not to seek voluntary recognition and instead request that Princeton remain neutral and not interfere with our democratic choice to form a union, in order to ensure that all postdoctoral researchers would have the opportunity to vote. Unfortunately, the Princeton administration seems to have chosen not to respect postdocs’ request and has continued to send communications that seem intended to discourage unionization.

What does it mean to be represented by a union?

A union that has been certified to represent a bargaining unit of employees serves as the exclusive representative of all employees in the bargaining unit with respect to the terms and conditions of their employment. The union typically has the authority and exclusive right to negotiate with the employer about these subjects, and no individual employee is permitted to engage in separate negotiations over their individual employment terms. For example, if a labor contract set parameters on the work hours of postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars, individual researchers would not be able to make personal arrangements with their Principal Investigator (PI), unless the contract provided for exceptions.

The Princeton administration currently holds exclusive, unilateral control over our pay, benefits and workplace rights. Like most employers, they would probably prefer to retain that power.

Union representation, on the other hand, is a process, protected by US law, that equalizes the power relationship between employees and their employer. The UAW currently represents 100,000 academic workers in collective bargaining at institutions across the US. Through collective bargaining, postdocs and other academic workers in the UAW have successfully negotiated improved wages and benefits, stronger protections against discrimination and harassment, expanded family-friendly benefits like paid leave and childcare subsidies or funds, retirement, and other important provisions. With collective bargaining, the Princeton administration would be legally obligated to negotiate salary rates with our elected bargaining team and all postdocs would vote democratically on the results of those negotiations.

Collective bargaining also allows for flexibility in areas we decide are appropriate. As an example, all UAW postdoc contracts preserve the right of individual PIs and postdocs to work out salary rates higher than the minimums negotiated in collective bargaining. You can see examples from Mount Sinai (Art 5.), Columbia University (Article 2), University of Washington (Article 32), and University of California (Article 4).

Why have some postdoctoral researchers at peer institutions supported unionization?

Some postdoctoral researchers at peer institutions have supported unionization because they believe, in the context of their university, it provides an avenue for them to advocate collectively for their interests as they relate to pay, hours and other terms and conditions of their employment. Not all researchers and universities take the same approaches or are in the same positions. That is why each individual should make an informed decision for themselves

In recent years, postdocs at US universities and research institutions have overwhelmingly supported forming postdoc unions of their own. As of December 2023, postdocs have formed unions or are in the process of organizing unionization campagisn at the University of California, University of Washington, Columbia University, University of Connecticut, University of Massachusetts, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Weill Cornell Medicine, the National Institutes of Health, Harvard University, Brown University, and more. Recently, postdocs and other research fellows at the NIH voted overwhelmingly to form a union with 98% voting “yes.” Similar working conditions and inadequate pay and benefits for postdocs across US research institutions has led to a broad movement for unionization across higher education. Though we face some specific issues by nature of being employed at Princeton, most issues we experience are shared by postdocs across the country: inadequate pay, rising cost of living, insufficient health and retirement benefits, lack of support for parenting postdocs, lack of support for international postdocs, and other issues endemic to the research profession at large.

Are all labor unions the same?

No. Different unions represent postdoctoral researchers throughout the country, and each union, in conjunction with the members of its bargaining unit, sets its own goals, style and approach to bargaining.

Our union campaign is of, by, and for postdoctoral researchers at Princeton and supported by the United Auto Workers (UAW), the national union that includes the largest number of postdocs and graduate student employees. It is postdocs who started our own union effort, postdocs who are leading the campaign, postdocs who are having conversations about forming a union with our colleagues, and postdocs who will be elected to the bargaining committee once we start negotiating with the Princeton administration. Postdocs ourselves will decide on our bargaining priorities and vote to approve any contract negotiated by the bargaining committee. While most issues faced by postdocs across various institutions are shared, us Princeton postdocs will be the ones shaping our particular campaign, our bargaining demands, and other aspects of our union.

Union Elections and Voting

Princeton Administration’s FAQ

What They Leave Out

What is the election process?

A representation election is a secret-ballot election conducted and supervised by representatives of the NLRB. Voting in the upcoming May 8 and May 9 election will take place in person at the designated hours at Frist Campus Center. Each eligible voter is free to vote however they want in the secret-ballot election, regardless of whether the voter has previously signed an authorization card.

Our election will take place on Wednesday, May 8th, and Thursday, May 9th, between 9m-1pm and 2pm-6pm on each day, in the Frist Campus Center (Room 302). We think it’s crucial that as many postdocs as possible vote in order to show the Princeton administration that there is widespread support for forming a union and negotiating together for improvements.

Who is eligible to vote?

Eligible voters are people who are part of the defined voting unit at the time of the election. The eligible voters in the PUPS-UAW election are the following employees: postdoctoral research associates, postdoctoral research fellows, associate research scholars, senior research assistants, and postgraduate research associates. The outcome of any election is determined by a majority of those who actually vote, not the majority of those eligible to vote. The result of the vote is binding on all individuals in the bargaining unit as well as those who occupy union-represented positions in the future.

In this context, a majority “yes” vote would establish our union with an obligation to represent all postdocs equally regardless of how they voted, and all postdocs would receive the improvements, such as pay increases, improved benefits and other rights and protections, that we win in our contract once it is ratified. The University would probably prefer if our union did not represent all postdocs, because speaking with a unified voice gives us more power. That is why it is particularly important that a strong majority of postdocs vote yes, so we have the strongest mandate possible as we go into bargaining.

Could postdoctoral researchers or associate research scholars “opt out” of the union by not voting?

No. The results of an election would bind everyone in the bargaining unit, including those who do not vote.

Just like a US presidential election, you cannot opt out by not voting. PUPS-UAW encourages all postdocs to vote in our election on May 8th and 9th!

If there is an election and postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars vote NOT to unionize, can there be another election at a later date?

Yes. There is a one-year waiting period after an election until another election can be held. If a majority of voters voted against union representation, the same union or a different union could seek an election one year after the vote.

In recent years, no group of postdocs voting in a union election has voted against unionization. We are part of a larger national movement, with thousands of other postdocs unionizing, bargaining, and winning significant improvements to pay, benefits, and workplace rights, as well as driving up standards across the research profession. By forming our own union now, we can join this powerful movement and build a stronger collective voice at Princeton, too.

If an election results in representation by a union, could there be another election to remove the union?

Once a union is certified as the exclusive representative of a bargaining unit, it remains so indefinitely and would represent all employees defined in the bargaining unit. The process to decertify (remove or replace) a union typically also requires a vote, and it is a complex process.

No group of postdoctoral researchers in the US has ever voted to decertify their union. However, the process of decertifying a union is no more complicated than the process of forming one. Postdoctoral researchers have made major gains through forming unions, while forming responsive, democratic structures to make decisions about working conditions.

Union Dues and Agency Fees

Princeton Administration’s FAQ

What They Leave Out

What are union dues and how are they calculated?

Dues are the cost of membership in a union. They are used to fund the various activities of the union. There are typically national, state and local fees. Dues are set by the individual union representing the employees. Typically, they vary between ~1% and 2% of pay or between ~$650 and $1,300 of a $65,000 minimum salary for a postdoctoral research associate at AY23-24 rates. Postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars who earn a higher salary would correspondingly pay more.

Union dues are important to allow workers to pool their resources to successfully negotiate with multi-billion-dollar employers like Princeton. In the UAW, minimum union dues are 1.44% of gross monthly pay, with a one-time initiation fee. The amount of the initiation fee is from $10 to $50, as democratically decided by the local union, and some local unions have also democratically decided to pay dues of more than 1.44% of gross monthly pay. Our local union would democratically make these types of decisions about our dues and initiation fee. No one pays dues until we have voted democratically to approve our first contract.

Would our stipend or compensation increase to cover the dues?

Compensation for research positions represented by a union would be subject to bargaining, but there is no guarantee that the negotiations would result in an increase or cover the cost of dues or agency fees, which would be paid by members of the bargaining unit.

No one pays dues until after we vote to ratify our contract. That means we get to decide when the gains we’ve made are enough to start paying dues. Because of this, the economic gains in a first contract tend to outweigh the cost of dues. For example, Columbia postdocs won between 14.5-20% immediate increases to minimum salaries in their first union contract, and up to 24% increases to minimums in their second. Most recently, Mount Sinai postdocs won a 23-26% increase to minimums upon ratification of their first contract.

What are agency fees and how are they calculated?

Agency fees are the fees required by virtually every collective bargaining agreement to be paid to the union by employees who are represented by a union but choose not to be dues-paying members. The amount of an agency fee is set by the union, but it can only equal the union’s cost of representing the particular bargaining unit. Typically, an agency fee is roughly equivalent to dues.

Membership dues and “agency” or “fair share” fees are important because they provide the resources necessary for effective collective bargaining. Since all postdocs regardless of whether they’ve become union members must receive all of the benefits of the contract, non-members are typically required to pay a comparable “fair share” fee, so the cost of representation is shared equally. The inclusion of a similar provision at Princeton would be something we decide as part of our bargaining process, would be subject to negotiation with Princeton administration, and contingent on ratification as part of our contract. We would not pay dues or fees until we vote to approve our first contract. The value of increased wages and benefits in the first contract typically outweighs the cost of dues, often leading to overwhelming majority approval of those agreements.

Do unions require an initiation fee?

Some unions require new members to pay an initiation fee. Others choose not to charge such a fee.

In the UAW, the amount of the initiation fee is from $10 to $50, as democratically decided by the local union. Our local union would democratically make these types of decisions about our dues and initiation fee.

What are union dues and agency fees used for?

Union dues and agency fees are used to cover the costs of collective bargaining, contract administration, and grievance resolution. In addition, unions use dues for the purpose of organizing employees of other employers. Agency fees generally are not used for this purpose.

Unions must annually disclose their revenues and expenditures on forms specified by the U.S. Department of Labor.

Our dues will help support our collective power as postdocs in a few ways. Part of our dues would support our local union, and the specifics on how these local funds are used would be voted on and decided by Princeton postdocs. Part of our dues would go to the International Union, which provides bargaining expertise and legal support, and also helps workers at other workplaces form their own unions. Finally, a portion of our dues would go to the UAW’s strike and defense fund, giving us bargaining leverage by providing financial support in the event that we, as Princeton postdocs, decide we have to strike to win what we deserve.

Collective Bargaining

Princeton Administration’s FAQ

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What areas are generally subject to collective bargaining?

Topics of collective bargaining typically include wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment, such as health insurance, leave and dispute resolution procedures.

Some examples of improvements other postdocs have won regarding these topics of bargaining include:

What areas are generally NOT subject to bargaining?

Matters unrelated to wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment are generally not subject to bargaining. Subjects relating to one’s academic work would generally not be subject to bargaining. For example, this could include decisions about research methodologies and decisions about whether to create, modify or eliminate research programs. These are academic and/or management issues, which collective bargaining agreements typically make clear are not subject to collective bargaining.

Unions of academic workers at other universities have secured wide-ranging contract wins through collective bargaining that include matters beyond what the Princeton administration may consider to be our “terms and conditions of employment”. If we as postdocs through our union decide to prioritize negotiating improvements over a particular issue that affects our working conditions, we can take collective action to pressure the administration to come to the bargaining table and negotiate in good faith.

What if an individual researcher objected to a provision in the labor contract? Would that person still be bound by it?

Yes. Collective bargaining focuses on employees as a group, not as individuals. This means that a union would speak and act for all members of the bargaining unit, and the provisions in the labor contract would apply to all unit members, unless exceptions are provided for in the contract. The union would decide what to prioritize in negotiations, what not to advance in negotiations, and ultimately, what to agree upon with the University in a proposed contract. A contract is ratified by its membership according to the union’s bylaws.

With a union, we would all have the ability to participate in the democratic process of collective bargaining through PUPS-UAW. Currently, Princeton has no legal obligation to bargain as equals over our working conditions with our elected representatives.With a union, they must bargain with us. At other institutions where postdocs have formed unions, individual postdocs have participated in the process in numerous ways, from filling out surveys, to running for the bargaining committee, to participating in a union working group.

How long does it take to negotiate a union contract?

It varies. The negotiation process for first labor contracts typically lasts a year or longer, during which time the status quo remains in effect (i.e., nothing changes during this time). However, it is impossible to predict how long contract negotiations would take. Likewise, it is impossible to predict the provisions of any negotiated contract since both parties must agree on the contract's terms.

Without a union, we have no ability to predict how long it will take for working conditions to improve because the Princeton administration can decide unilaterally whether to make changes, what they will be, and whether to notify us beforehand. After we vote yes for our union, they will be legally obligated to bargain these decisions. The length of time necessary to negotiate a strong first contract has depended on the strength of the campaign and the willingness of the employer to bargain in good faith. For example, Princeton could help ensure a timely process by agreeing on a fair and efficient timeframe with regularly scheduled bargaining sessions and a strong commitment to reaching a fair agreement. 

At other major research institutions where postdocs have formed unions, researchers have been able to negotiate significant improvements despite facing opposition from their employers. Postdocs at Columbia University, Mount Sinai University of Connecticut, University of Washington, and University of California negotiated for 16 months, 16 months, 13 months, 13 months, and 18 months respectively. But it is also possible to negotiate much more quickly. For example, with a serious commitment to reach a fair agreement by the administration, 4,000 student employees at the University of Washington negotiated their first contract in just under two months. We hope Princeton would commit to an efficient process.

Who negotiates the contract?

Typically, each side — management and labor — appoints a bargaining team to meet and negotiate the contract. Unions have their own internal rules about how members of a bargaining team are selected, and you should familiarize yourself with how that works. In addition, the union usually provides one or more paid union representatives — employees of the union — to lead or participate in the negotiations with management. The background and experience of the union negotiator is something you should become familiar with if a union is selected.

After we have voted to form our union, we will elect a bargaining committee made up of Princeton postdocs, who will use surveys and other feedback to develop an initial set of bargaining goals to be voted on by all Princeton postdocs. The elected bargaining committee would work with experienced UAW staff who would help advise us in negotiations. Our bargaining committee would then negotiate with a group chosen by the Princeton administration to represent them, typically a combination of administrators, legal counsel, and faculty, in pursuit of those goals.

During our negotiations, we would develop a participatory campaign to support our bargaining committee in achieving improvements at the bargaining table. Once our committee reaches a tentative agreement they feel they can recommend, we would vote on whether to approve it as our first contract.

How long does a contract last?

There is no required length of time, but a union contract typically lasts for three years.

This is something we will negotiate over with Princeton in our negotiations – some higher education workers have negotiated union contracts shorter than three years in order to be able to re-negotiate aspects of the contract sooner, while others have secured longer agreements in exchange for bigger gains.

Will the contract guarantee increases in existing benefits and working conditions?

No one can predict the outcome of negotiations. Neither side is required to agree to a particular proposal. The contract is the outcome of good faith negotiations and give-and-take between the parties. Current benefits can go up, down or remain the same as a result of bargaining.

No one can predict the outcome of negotiations. Neither side is required to agree to a particular proposal. The contract is the outcome of good faith negotiations and give-and-take between the parties. Current benefits can go up, down or remain the same as a result of bargaining.

Because collective bargaining depends on both postdocs and the administration reaching an agreement, it is true that we cannot predict the outcome in advance. What we do know is that without a union Princeton is not required to negotiate with us at all - with a union, they must bargain with us as equals. We are confident that if Princeton engages with this process in good faith, we can reach a fair agreement in a timely manner.

It is also true that all existing examples of postdoctoral researchers forming unions that we know of have resulted in significant gains. As a recent example, When Columbia postdocs secured their most recent contract in November 2023, they won pay raises of up to 24% and many other significant gains. Time and time again, when postdocs unionize, they have been able to improve their pay and benefits. Princeton would continue to have unilateral control to decide when and how to give us raises and make other changes.

What happens if the union and the administration cannot agree on a contract?

Under federal labor law, unions are allowed to strike. Strikes can be divisive and confrontational, and have lasting impacts on an institution, its students, employees, graduates and others. Strikes are an unfortunate aspect of unsuccessful collective bargaining.

More than 10,000 postdoctoral and professional researchers in the UAW (at Columbia University, the University of California, the University of Washington, the University of Connecticut, and the University of Massachusetts) have negotiated strong contracts with significant improvements without having to strike. If Princeton commits to bargain in good faith, we should also be able to reach a fair agreement without striking. As these cases show, there are many ways to generate an effective contract campaign that wins improvements that do not involve calling an actual strike.

Nevertheless, some postdoc unions have democratically chosen to go on strike in some instances due to intransigence from their employers. In 2022, postdocs at the University of California went on strike and won a 31% pay increase, among other things. In 2023, postdocs at Mount Sinai made significant economic gains in the lead-up to their strike, and ultimately went on strike, winning a dedicated emergency fund to provide support with childcare and housing. It’s important to also remember several things: strike action is not always necessary; strikes by UAW members only happen if workers decide democratically to call a strike, with a ⅔ majority vote; and participation in a strike, if one is called, is an individual decision.

Dispute Resolution Under a Union Contract

Princeton Administration’s FAQ

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How are disputes resolved if there is a union contract?

Union contracts have grievance and arbitration provisions for the resolution of disputes. The grievance and arbitration process can be time-consuming and often legalistic. If a particular dispute is not resolved between the parties, the contract will typically require it to be decided by an arbitrator, who is a neutral third-party skilled in labor relations who can decide the issue either in favor of or against the union, after taking evidence from witnesses offered by the union and the administration. Arbitration decisions are rarely overturned on appeal to the courts, as the legal standard of review is highly deferential and very limited in scope. Accordingly, the arbitrator’s decision for the parties is usually legally binding upon the parties indefinitely.

Currently, Princeton postdocs have no enforceable process through which to resolve violations of University policy or disputes with the Princeton administration or our supervisors. Most unions negotiate for a neutral grievance process that includes the option of taking an issue to a neutral third-party arbitrator to issue a binding decision. This process is often seen as more timely, efficient, and less costly for workers than taking legal action, and can include informal resolution options to save time. Once we have formed our union, we can decide what would make sense to propose in this area. Right now, dispute resolution processes are entirely determined and controlled by the Princeton administration, with no input or voice from postdoctoral researchers ourselves. Ultimately, because such a process would be enshrined in our contract we would have the ability, with support of our coworkers and union, to represent ourselves throughout such a process.

How could a union impact the grievance process?

A union would likely negotiate a contractual grievance process, but there is no guarantee that it would be different than or an improvement over the existing procedures set forth in the Rules and Procedures of the Professional Researchers and Professional Specialists of Princeton University. Also, a negotiated process would not apply to academic matters or to Title IX complaints (which must be adjudicated pursuant to a process governed by federal regulations). With or without a union, Princeton University is committed to continuing to work to foster an environment where there is open dialogue and transparency and where all employees feel comfortable using the grievance process when it is needed.

Currently, postdocs have no grievance process whatsoever. While there may be existing rules and procedures for governing disputes or violations of employee rights, that process is entirely controlled by the Princeton administration, without any guaranteed input from postdocs or other non-unionized employees. Many unionized postdocs, such as at the University of California and Columbia University, have won the right to file grievances over sexual harassment and discrimination outside of the Title IX process, while still retaining the ability for postdocs to make sure of the Title IX office if they so choose. Part of the reason so many postdocs are supportive of forming our union is to make improvements to existing processes that don’t always work effectively for postdocs. With a union grievance process that enforces protections against sexual harassment and discrimination, for example, we could actually have a say in enforcing interim measures and final resolutions to such disputes.

Current Union Representation and Potential Impact of Professional Researcher Unionization

Princeton Administration’s FAQ

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Are there unions at Princeton?

Yes. At Princeton, six staff unions represent approximately 20% of our workforce, including public safety and security officers, cogeneration plant employees, library assistants, and hourly service employees in dining services and building services, among others.

We’re glad that the Princeton administration has engaged in collective bargaining with other workers on campus, and we hope they would seek to create a positive and productive relationship with a postdoc union as well!

If a union won an election at Princeton, would all postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars have to join it?

They would not have to “join” the union, but they would be represented by it and would likely be required to pay agency fees to the union even if they don’t join. Under federal law, you cannot be forced to join a union. However, a union can negotiate a provision in a collective bargaining agreement that requires nonmembers to pay an agency fee to the union in order to be able to perform their work. The agency fee is usually about the same amount as union dues. The terms of the contract are binding on all employees in the bargaining unit whether or not they join the union.

No one can be required to join the union as a member – that decision will be up to each individual postdoc. However, the more of us who sign up as members once we have a contract, the more collective power we will have to make further gains and improvements. No one will be asked to sign up as a dues-paying union member until after we’ve ratified our first union contract.

Membership dues and “agency” or “fair share” fees are important because they provide the resources necessary for effective collective bargaining. Since all postdocs regardless of whether they’ve become union members must receive all of the benefits of the contract, non-members are typically required to pay a comparable “fair share” fee, so the cost of representation is shared equally. The inclusion of a similar provision at Princeton would be something we decide as part of our bargaining process, would be subject to negotiation with Princeton administration, and contingent on ratification as part of our contract. We would not pay dues or fees until we vote to approve our first contract. The value of increased wages and benefits in the first contract typically outweighs the cost of dues, often leading to overwhelming majority approval of those agreements.

Are employees required to meet with a union organizer or admit a union organizer into their homes or offices?


The “union organizers” being referred to here are Princeton University postdocs themselves. This unionization process has been driven entirely by postdocs talking to other postdocs as coworkers. While we have support from knowledgeable and experienced UAW staff, Princeton postdocs are organizing our own union, one conversation with our colleagues at a time.

Does an individual’s immigration or visa status impact one’s ability to be included in the union?

No. The process for determining who is included in the bargaining unit applies to all employees regardless of their immigration status.

International postdocs have the same right to participate in forming a union under U.S. labor law as a U.S. citizen does, and international workers’ participation and voice in our union is crucial. At both Princeton and other institutions, like at University of California, international postdocs have been deeply involved in leading unionization efforts. All postdocs, regardless of citizenship or residency status, have equal rights to vote in union elections, talk to their coworkers about the union, participate in union organizing efforts, participate as members of the elected bargaining committee, participate in contract negotiations with the administration, sign up as union members, pay union membership dues, strike, and take other union action.

Would all members of the bargaining unit be represented by the union, even if they are not union members?

Yes. A union would represent every person in the bargaining unit, and the terms of any negotiated contract would be binding on all current and future employees included in the bargaining unit during the term of the contract.

If postdocs vote yes and the union is certified, we encourage all postdocs to participate in the collective bargaining process and the campaign to win a fair agreement that makes our lives better as postdocs. There is no formal membership or dues until we vote to ratify a first contract. During the process leading to a first contract, anyone can sign a PUPS-UAW card and participate in the process.

If a union wins an election, will stipends and compensation increase?

Compensation for research positions represented by a union would be subject to bargaining, but there is no guarantee that the negotiations would result in an increase or cover the cost of dues or agency fees, which would be paid by members of the bargaining unit.

Bargaining is an interactive process in which both sides exchange proposals on specific articles and eventually reach tentative agreement on a complete contract. Princeton postdocs and scholars have already already started shaping our bargaining demands by filling out our preliminary bargaining survey when signing authorization cards. Postdocs ourselves will be shaping our own goals and demands through the unionization process, and we will decide when we have won sufficient gains to vote on ratifying our first contract.

That being said, postdocs at unionized institutions like the University of California, University of Washington, Columbia University, University of Connecticut, and the University of Massachusetts have all seen large increases to their compensation as a result of collective bargaining. Just in recent years:

What would a union prevent postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars from doing?

A full answer to this question would depend on what is included in the labor contract, but an employee’s legal right to negotiate the terms and conditions of their own employment as an individual would change, and the union would become the agent of all employees in the bargaining unit with respect to these matters. Some individual arrangements made between faculty and postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars might be prohibited under the contract, depending on its terms.

Our collective bargaining agreement will be negotiated by Princeton postdocs through a process involving our participation, feedback, and decision-making at every step of the way. Since our union is formed of and run by us, it is incredibly unlikely that we would collectively decide to implement any rules that would hinder our work as researchers and educators. Indeed, other academic unions have bargained contracts that maintain and protect flexible working conditions. For example, at one point during the COVID-19 pandemic some UC campuses wanted to require researchers who were working abroad to return to the US. Through their union contract, postdocs and graduate student workers were able to maintain existing policies that allowed them to continue working remotely.

Collective bargaining allows for flexibility in areas we decide are appropriate. As an example, all UAW postdoc contracts preserve the right of individual PIs and postdocs to work out salary rates higher than the minimums negotiated in collective bargaining.

If postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars unionize, can faculty supervisors continue to communicate directly with them in the same way they always have?

Not necessarily. Communication and collaboration between faculty and postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars will always be encouraged, but there will be limitations on the topics that unionized researchers can discuss with the faculty members they support. Under federal labor law, faculty members would likely be deemed “supervisors” of postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars. Normal discourse that takes place between faculty and postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars with respect to their duties and responsibilities could be altered, as the union would be the exclusive bargaining agent for all issues related to the terms and conditions of their employment.

We see our relationships with faculty as crucial to our successful research and teaching at Princeton. Thankfully, many relationships with our faculty advisors are already extremely professional, supportive, and productive. Unfortunately, not all faculty maintain collegial relationships with their employees. Under the current status quo, it isn’t uncommon for postdocs to be forced to work extreme and unreasonable hours or face other harassment and abuse from their supervisors - issues we could protect against with a union contract. Collective bargaining can also be beneficial to PIs by allowing postdocs to negotiate directly with the central administration over issues that distract from their work, including our health insurance, housing, travel reimbursements, and other topics that can be addressed in collective bargaining.

If a postdoctoral researcher or associate research scholar currently serves on a sponsored research grant, how might unionization impact how funds under that grant are expended?

If a union negotiated certain wage or benefit levels for all postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars, the sponsored grant would be required to meet the wage and benefit levels, even if it could not support the contractual requirement.

We are not aware of any postdoc union contract that requires a granting agency to raise wage and benefit levels beyond what is specified in the grant. Instead, it is typical for the university to make up the difference to ensure that the researcher is meeting the appropriate minimum standards in the contract. Nor would additional funding for negotiated wages and benefits necessarily have to be covered by an individual PI’s grants or funds. We know that Princeton has the ability to support these costs centrally, as they did when raising postdoc salaries to $65,000 in response to our campaign last year. With a union, we would also have a legal right to relevant financial information to make conscientious decisions about our proposals - for example, at the University of California, postdocs agreed to phase in increases to allow grants time to adjust to higher salaries.

Ultimately, if the Princeton administration agrees to improve an aspect of our pay or benefits, we would expect them to fund such improvements however they see fit. Princeton is a multi-billion dollar institution and has the resources to support modest improvements to postdocs’ financial support without jeopardizing our important research.

What impact could a union have on off-site research activities (e.g., conference/workshop attendance, fieldwork or research conducted at other universities) that are essential activities for our academic appointment?

We do not know at this time. To the extent such activities are part of your research appointment, funding for conferences, travel and other activities could be subject to negotiation with the union.

When negotiating our contract, postdocs will democratically decide on the terms of our employment that most benefit our ability to perform our research at a high level. Because all union decisions will be made by postdocs, we will collectively decide what to ask for in bargaining at Princeton and, ultimately, vote whether to approve any agreement as a contract. 

Both the postdocs and the administration have to agree on a contract and we all share an interest in preserving the quality of research happening at Princeton. Collective bargaining simply means we can negotiate on equal footing in order to hold Princeton more accountable to do the best it can do.

If there were a postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars union, could covered employees sit on departmental and school committees?

Probably so, but with some limitations. A union would be the exclusive voice to the University for all employees it represents on pay, work hours and other employment matters. Other avenues of communication between postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars and the University, such as departmental committees, might be restricted or limited with respect to these issues.

Departmental and school committees do crucial work, and there’s no reason why union members wouldn’t be able to participate in such groups. At other unionized institutions, postdoc union leaders also participate actively in university-sponsored organizations and committees. While such committees would continue to do important work after we unionize, they are not alternatives to a union. Only a union has the legal ability to negotiate as equals with the Princeton administration over our working conditions and put agreements on these topics into a legally binding contract. We see a union and existing committees as complimentary organizations that both have a role to play in improving the postdoc experience at Princeton.

Many state universities have unions. Wouldn’t it be the same here?

Not necessarily. Comparisons to state universities are difficult for several reasons. The risks and rewards of pursuing a bargaining subject, acceding to a demand, demanding arbitration or engaging in a strike are much clearer for state universities because public sector labor law addresses these issues. For example, many states have written into their labor laws provisions that protect academic decisions of universities from the collective bargaining process. Thus, there are protections in the law that prevent unions from interfering in academic matters at many public universities. Federal labor law (which would be applicable to collective bargaining in the context of private universities) has not been tailored to address the needs of higher education, and so these protections are not specifically included in federal law.

Postdoc working conditions are similar regardless of whether an institution is in the public or private sector. Although there are some differences in the relevant legal frameworks from state to state, the process of collective bargaining looks much the same. This is also somewhat besides the point - thousands of postdocs at private universities and institutions have unionized, such as at Columbia University, Harvard University, Caltech, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and Weill Cornell Medicine, and thousands more are in the process of doing so. We will decide as postdocs what issues matter to us and negotiate conscientiously towards agreements in those areas that a majority of postdocs support.

What are the alternatives to unionizing?

Postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars matter at Princeton, and there are channels for your voices to be heard. Please visit the Princeton Postdoctoral Council website, or contact Karen Haskin, associate dean for academic affairs, or Tithi Basu Mallik, assistant dean for postdoctoral affairs, in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty. By taking full advantage of existing mechanisms and opportunities for input and potentially suggesting new ones, postdoctoral researchers and scholars can continue to help shape policies and programs at Princeton.

We are glad to hear that Princeton thinks postdocs matter, and we hope that this indicates a willingness to engage productively with us once we have formed our union. Until we have done so, we will not have the ability to discuss topics that matter to us as equals with the administration and reach binding agreements.

Both a strong union and a postdoc organization can play a critical role in improving the lives of Princeton postdocs. The Princeton-sponsored PPC provides important opportunities for postdocs to participate in numerous social and career development opportunities, as well as advocacy efforts, but it is not a viable alternative to a union.

While advocacy groups can make recommendations to the institution on behalf of postdocs, they cannot engage in collective bargaining. Unions and advocacy groups often work together at academic institutions where both exist.

Please cast your vote on May 8 or 9, 2024, at Frist Campus Center between the hours of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 2 to 6 p.m.

We agree. The more of us who participate and vote to form our union, the more strongly we can call for needed improvements to our experience as researchers at Princeton.

Updated April 13, 2024