
Take the PUPS Bargaining Survey!

Take a few minutes to fill out the PUPS-UAW Bargaining Survey! Since winning our union election by an overwhelming 84.5%, we have continued to prepare for our negotiations with the Princeton Administration. Most recently, we started to collect bargaining surveys from...

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Healthcare Working Group Update

As you may know, key issue working groups have been meeting the past two weeks to start compiling research on important postdoc topics. The Healthcare working group’s first meeting was rescheduled for Monday, June 18 at 3pm in PNI 230 and on Zoom (Contact: Mae...

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Town Hall Takeaways and Issue Working Groups

We kicked off the summer with a Town Hall last week with a lot of great discussion and input on how to transition into bargaining for a strong first contract. (See more notes below.) Based on the clear majority opinion in the Town Hall, we will move forward with...

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