We want to make sure all postdocs received information about upcoming bargaining committee elections and preparation for bargaining – sign a card here to continue receiving updates.

Now we have our union, we need to prepare to bargain for the best contract possible. The organizing committee is excited to announce two important initiatives which will be going on during the summer into fall.

Contract Research Working Groups Beginning Next Week

Working groups on key issues will assist with research, support the bargaining committee in drafting proposals, and help drive issue-based organizing to increase our leverage at the bargaining table. Working groups will begin in the next two weeks. Please RSVP here for an introductory meeting with the working groups. No experience necessary!

Electing a Bargaining Committee on July 1st

We are proposing an election of 7 members to the committee, with 2 spaces reserved for postdocs and scholars from the humanities and social sciences and 5 spaces at-large. The nomination window will open on June 10th and will remain open for two weeks until June 24th. During this nomination window, anyone can nominate themselves to serve on the bargaining committee, and we highly encourage anyone interested to do so!

This proposal was developed from discussions in the latest town hall. If you would like to provide the organizing committee with feedback on any part of this proposal, feel free to reach out to us at info@princetonpostdocunion.org by Tuesday June 4th at 4 PM, or come to the OC meeting at that time in PNI A59 to discuss.

Over the summer we will be reaching out to postdocs and scholars on and off-campus where you can express priorities for a strong contract. Keep an eye out for conversations and a survey in the coming weeks that will detail what kinds of issues we can bargain for and which ones matter the most to you.

We hope you’ll participate in this exciting phase, so we can go into the fall semester ready to bargain with Princeton administration for the best contract possible!


Robert T. Martin
PUPS-UAW Organizing Committee
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Chemistry