Before starting our card drive, we delivered an Open Letter signed by a majority postdocs to the Princeton administration and won higher minimum salaries. Check out the letter here.
Click here to get more involved with PUPS-UAW!
Thanks for signing a card in the past few months in support of forming Princeton University Postdocs and Scholars (PUPS)-UAW, our union for postdoctoral researchers at Princeton University!
We’re reaching out to welcome everyone back to campus (October already?) and provide a quick update on our campaign. Already, hundreds of Princeton postdoctoral and associate researchers have signed a union authorization card! We’re continuing to actively reach out, making sure everyone has a chance to sign up in support.
If you know any postdocs who haven’t had a chance to sign up yet (e.g., they recently joined your department), we’d love for you to reach out to them. It’s as easy as sharing a link to the online authorization card ( They can also check out our website for more information, or we’re more than happy to meet them and answer any of their questions (
We are also looking forward to holding more events in the near future to meet each other and shape our campaign together. We’ll keep you posted! If you’re interested in getting more involved, click here to attend an upcoming organizer workshop.
We’re well on our way towards reaching a strong majority support for our union, and eventually moving forward on bargaining with the Princeton administration. In the meantime, go to our website to read more about our campaign or about the tens of thousands of academic workers who have formed unions across the United States in recent years.
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
Paola Estrada, Molecular Biology
Member of PUPS-UAW Organizing Committee